












From You To Us




***   NEWS   ***

*** 2010 September 1st ***
Fresh blood - new faces

BASIC IDEA has underwent a drastic change in line-up: in 2009 Mario has decided to leave the band and abandoned all musical activities. After 16 years of playing and making music together this is a tough decision to make and so Gino and I respect this and wish Mario all the sex and drugs that he didn't encounter during his bassplaying career in the band. Rock'n'roll there was plenty :-)

Gino and I decided to continue making music and so the search for a new bassman/woman was open. We had good luck when Steven De Beul (worldfamous from Beast Animation) briefly took over the duties. But then again bad luck when after a couple of months he was forced to stop with the band for personal reasons.

Meanwhile The Niz had talked to his buddy Duncan Paul (worldfamous from Silver Wings) to try the band out, and this seemed to work. Duncan contributes not only his bluesy guitarplaying, but he's also a superskilled keyboard player and singer.

Via an online advertisement we found Tom Walraet (worldfamous from Cornerstone) who has definitely proved a worthy successor of Mario. Tom also sings backings, meaning that from now on we can do proper backing vocals, 3-voice harmony stuff, etc...live!!! Right now Tom and Duncan are working their way in, mastering the details of the BASIC IDEA catalog.

All this is the reason why the website has been left untouched and un-updated for quite some time. But nevertheless: now we're back in town and this site will be gradually refreshed and later on thoroughly redesigned.

On the song front we haven't retired: in 2010 we have written and finetuned 4 songs of which 3 are usable in the BASIC IDEA context: "Confrontation", "One More Try", and "Killing"- so stay tuned for more BASIC IDEA !!!



***   OLD NEWS   ***

*** 2008 May 27 ***
"The End Of Time" on n°1

Just a quickie: our song "The End Of Time" is number one of all non-American entries in category "Pop" this month on Ourstage: see here

*** 2008 May 14 ***

Hello all! The mixdown of  "Please Please Please" has been approved by all three members of Basic Idea and you can hear these efforts on the sounds page. Hope you'll like it, if so let us know please (please please) !!!! Lyrics also online HERE. Bon appetit!


*** 2008 Apr 18 ***

A new member of the Basic Idea family is born: welcome to Ella, Gino and Ellen's youngest daughter! Congratulations to the parents and family, and to godfather Mario.

Musicwise we've been quite busy as well: we're in the process of mixing down a new song; as previously mentioned it is called "Please Please Please". We've done a draft mix and it sounds very promising. Next week we'll have another go at it to have a definitive mix.

Meanwhile we're also doing overdubs for a remake of "19 Years An Hour", a song we've written and recorded in the mid-90's. As a matter of fact, that particular version of the song is competing in "Alternative Rock"-category on www.ourstage.com.

So stay tuned for more rock'n'roll.

*** 2008 Feb 06 ***

After some technical struggles we finally got the recording and mixdown of our new song ready! Hallellujah! This song is called "Cool" and is the remake of a song we've recorded in 2000 (we have included the early version in the sounds page). Take a listen and drop us a line here.

As mentioned earlier, we have decided to enter an online competition on www.ourstage.com with all four songs. Not under the assumption to win something, but as a sort of barometer as to how a certain song is perceived by music fans from all over the world. Ofcourse all your support is welcome! You can leave comments, become a fan, see how our songs are ranked, etc: look here.

So, on to the next song! This one will be called "Please Please Please" and is currently still in the (basic) idea-phase. We hope to have it ready somewhere in March.

*** 2008 Jan 16 ***

Happy New Year everyone! May at least one of your dreams come true in 2008!

We're still working on the song "Everybody Loves You" which we'll rename to "Cool", which was its original title when first recorded in February-March 2000. Mario has just added the definitive bass-part last Monday (it was actually Tuesday morning by the time he finished...). Now we'll add some more guitars, redo the synth, add the lead vocal and sprinkle some fairy dust.

Bad news: as you might have noticed, we have temporarily put some older audio material offline due to a minor issue with the authorities (too long to explain, it will be back very soon - don't worry).

Good news, too: the new recording of "Cool" will, together with "(Gonna) Hit The Ground" enter a sort of online battle of bands on www.ourstage.com. It is an American initiative, so we're not sure that we'll have 100% equal chances being an European band. But we do like the concept and by means of experiment we want to send these two songs to participate in the February competition in category "rock".

*** 2007 Dec 31 ***
GEAR pages added

As the last update for this year, we present you more info on some of our gear. We start off with the pedal board of The Niz and a small bit of info on our sixteen-track recorder. For all you gearsluts out there...

Have a nice New Year's eve everyone and come back in 2008 when we will release quite some new sound material!

*** 2007 Dec 29 ***
NEWS page added

Hi all, it's time to add a news page to keep you all updated on whatever is happening in BASIC IDEA-land.

For the moment we're still composing new songs, as we want to have enough for a full album. As usual we're recording a couple of songs at the same time. The song that's closest to completion is one that we've recorded before, somewhere in the early 00's, but we've never released it.

Today we think it definitely deserves a "make-over" taking advantage of the quantum leap in audio quality that we've got with our Bandatta Studio. Perhaps we'll post the old version as well so you can compare.

Its working title is "Everybody Loves You". Last night some guitar and synth overdubs were made. It needs some more overdubs and a little bit of work in the lyrics department.

When done you'll be able to have a listen in our sounds-section.

*** 2007 Nov 26 ***
Over here... and your opinion still matters!

This one is called "The End Of Time", and it started as an idea in The Niz's notebook somewhere in 2001.


*** 2007 Nov 19 ***
Check it out here and let us know what you think of it.

"With Tears In Her Eyes" is the title of this new song. It's a more traditional pop-rock song that goes back to the end of the nineties. We hope you like it!

*** 2007 Nov 14 ***
Now you can finally understand what the heck we're singing... HERE.

Some people like to browse through the lyrics of an album. Especially for them, here's our lyrics. We will add the lyrics of new songs that will be posted.

*** 2007 Nov 7 ***
Check out our sounds page and tell us what you think of it.

Hooray! After a long time of construction work in the studio, and little musical activity without real output, we're proud to present to you our newest song "(Gonna) Hit The Ground". It's jammed together during several jam-sessions in the new studio and finally we've agreed on a structure and general feel of the song. The output you can hear here.




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